Friday, August 10, 2007

New Season, New Dreams, New Hopes

The sun here is still shining brightly, and most rooms aren’t bearable without the help of artificial cool air. Being an island the sea is very close to anywhere and easily accessible. And I absolutely love it. It is another way of escaping from the heat, the everyday chores and sweat.
Still I just can’t wait for tomorrow. First proper match of the season, first proper debuts for some of the new signings I guess and another short trek to our club where to meet with the other red mates after some three months without seeing much of each other to get glued to what this rather new look Liverpool have got to offer. And another dream starts, and the daily routine will be again be broken up by the men in red every weekend and the occasional mid-week match.
I have that feeling of anticipation for tomorrow’s kick-off which Sky has decided to prolong by another couple of hours. But I can’t complain much, what’s two hours to three months to put things into perspective. It’s the first of thirty-eight, and such a kick-off is probably looked forward to as much as some of the crucial final matches. Tomorrow will be different though, everyone is on a plain level and the batteries are only starting to recharge rather than flattened with broken dreams and disappointments.
I remember the last time Liverpool faced Aston Villa on the first match of the season. It was a Sunday kick-off, and Riise opened the score after being put through by Danny Murphy. El Hadji Diouf was making his debut and he run ragged the Villa defense. After placing second the season before, the title looked so close and I had more than a couple to celebrate. I felt good, most of us felt good and the world felt an alright place to be at. The following months though the mood changed drastically and by the end we couldn’t wait for the season to finish as the reds did not get even the consolation of a Champions League berth.
With Aston Villa again on the first day, you might feel that sense of deja-vu again. After being floored by AC Milan on the Champions League Final, Rafa must have more than a small job in his hands. The signings and his beard have drifted the attention and am sure the whole squad ably led by Gerrard or even more so Carragher are kicking their heels for a good start tomorrow. Talk of getting out of the blocks very early this season have been incessant, now is just the time to prove it. Lately Liverpool have had good starts as much as Fidel Castro has got Yankee mates. The last time, Liverpool had a good start was back in 2002, leading the table till between October and November. Still, it was an awful lot less than enough as the reds just descended down the table as darkness does on a wintry day.
To keep our dreams alive till May, a similar start is probably needed. In the meantime, let’s enjoy the journey itself with some interesting European places in between, and continue the pace through the weeks and months to doubly celebrate the status of European Capital of Culture.


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